Sunday, September 30, 2012

Camping with a hammock

This fall, I am thinking of going tent-less.  Just bring in a hammock and a tarp over my head.

I have a Amazonas Travel Hammock that weighs next to nothing.  The hammock is made out of nylon capable of supporting 250lbs.  I had used it a couple of nights because I forgot to load my tent into the canoe once.  Stupid me but that was a nice experience.  It was a nice experience but I have to say it was hard to sleep at first--I kept on sliding to one side of the hammock as my body weight caused the strings to shift, and there were there mosquitoes.

Well, I will give it another try.  This time around, I think I know how I will sleep in it, and I will also buy a mosquito net that spans the length of the hammock.  I am also thinking I will have my DIY stove near my hammock to provide me some warmth.  In addition to that, I will bring my foam mat to provide some insulation for my back.

The more I think about it, the more I want to be out there.  It will be interesting.

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